Henri’s foodblog “Fro den Heng“
Creating this blog means to me sharing with others my “Dada” for food and cooking .
I estimate that you can find all kind of useful information, recipes I found and selecteds and collected.
Myself, although having no Hungarian origins, I pretend being a great specialist for “ gulasch soup”.
As a “Luxemburger“ I have also skills in all the “Lëtzebuerger Spezialitéiten“ like described in the famous song: Donnerknippchen ech kommen elo grad vun enger prachtvoller Friess …
However my highlight is the cheese fondue, that delights me since decades and meanwhile I have experienced numerous combinations of cheese.
But with great pleasure I’m touring also in other countries kitchens, to see what’s on with the “succulent” taste.
Since years I am a great fan of Paul Bocuse, Joël Robuchon, Alfons Schubeck and many others.
In a second life, I shall take their succession, 100%. Trust me!
However let us come to the more serious intentions of this website.
It happened rather often to me that I had found an interesting article in the web, from which I had noted the link, but which after some time had been deleted or no was longer available. I therefore copied those contents that interested me completely together with its link.
As I would like to communicate with acquaintances about these articles, I have set up this website. In no way I intend to adorn myself with the intellectual property of other persons and therefore I have mentioned the sources, as far as still available, in detail. The photos are for communication purposes only and will be replaced as soon as another picture is available.
This website, which is not used commercially, is merely intended to facilitate and support the exchange of opinions among my acqaintances and the authors are thus communicated to everyone.
If a copyright holder prefers that his / her recipe or photo is not shown on this page, it will be removed from the site as soon as this claim is received.